I got a pre-menses ultrasound and blood work/what they call “no menses” studies...they didn’t find anything glaringly wrong. Weird, though, because supposedly I have endometriosis.... but I guess from what I understand, this dx can only be made from a surgery, which I had a few years ago.
We did the testing (Mitch has super sperm!) and they couldn’t find anything obviously wrong with me!! As a result, I started a round of provera, which was supposed to make me have a period. It did (which was promising considering that the last round of provera, that I did with my regular ob-gym a couple years ago, failed to yield a period....) and I felt hopeful. However, my period never seemed to show 28 days later and I started feeling frustrated yet again....
Buuuuut......last week, I woke up one morning with familiar ovulation pain and fertile cervical fluid. I couldn’t believe it, so we got some opk strips to check and sure enough, on my second day of testing, my LH began to rise and peak and so we continued BDing each day... but that’s where the easy part ends. The opk strips said “peak” for several days though the Clearblue fertility monitor said “not fertile” - so now second guessing my symptoms.
That being said, I guess we will know in two weeks......
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