Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The end is near

9 days left until induction.  Honestly, it can’t come soon enough as I’m so uncomfortable.  I basically don’t have the energy to do much and I feel useless.  At least when the babies are here, I’ll be able to breathe and lie on my back again, though I’ll be a new kind of tired!!

Recent picture of Baby A

33 weeks

34 weeks 

Monday, April 1, 2019


Four weeks ago, the twins were 3 lbs 10 and 3 lbs 12. Today they were 4 lbs 13 and 4 lbs 15!! 

Induction date has been set for April 26th!!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Switched practices

Around 24 or 25 weeks, we decided to switch practices.  We wanted doctors who had reputations for having more twin experience and we wanted a hospital that could accommodate preemie twins, if necessary.

So, I asked the women on my Montgomery County Parents of Multiples (MCPOM) group who they recommended and they suggested an all-female team out of Georgetown University Hospital, Dr E and Dr Dressenower.  They’re both amazing and have the experience that we desired.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Baby Update

Had our measurement scan yesterday... babies are both around 15 oz... and in exciting news, finally started feeling them move and actually being able to SEE their movements on Thursday!!! Took long enough thanks to having an anterior placenta!!

The end is near

9 days left until induction.  Honestly, it can’t come soon enough as I’m so uncomfortable.  I basically don’t have the energy to do much and...