Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The end is near

9 days left until induction.  Honestly, it can’t come soon enough as I’m so uncomfortable.  I basically don’t have the energy to do much and I feel useless.  At least when the babies are here, I’ll be able to breathe and lie on my back again, though I’ll be a new kind of tired!!

Recent picture of Baby A

33 weeks

34 weeks 

Monday, April 1, 2019


Four weeks ago, the twins were 3 lbs 10 and 3 lbs 12. Today they were 4 lbs 13 and 4 lbs 15!! 

Induction date has been set for April 26th!!

The end is near

9 days left until induction.  Honestly, it can’t come soon enough as I’m so uncomfortable.  I basically don’t have the energy to do much and...