Saturday, November 24, 2018

Updated belly pics (12-15)

Updated belly pics (8-11)

the test results are in!!

We got the results back from our genetic testing... negative for the trisomies, negative for CF, negative for tay sachs, negative for canavan disease, negative for familiar autonomia.... all good news....

And confirmed that we're having BOYS!!!   We wanted to do the "sex organ reveal" today but it's freezing cold and raining, so the smoke cannons would be a bust and we wouldn't be able get good pictures - hopefully tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Genetic testing

Tomorrow we are going for our nuchal translucency scan... and bloodwork to determine chromosomal abnormalities.  Also confirm gender.  Definitely nervous.

The end is near

9 days left until induction.  Honestly, it can’t come soon enough as I’m so uncomfortable.  I basically don’t have the energy to do much and...