Friday, October 19, 2018


Without Mitch knowing, I did the sneak peek gender test....and they’re BOYS!! I plan to tell him tonight or tomorrow and I can’t wait to see his face!!


We had our 9 week ultrasound on Tuesday... thankfully, we saw a separating membrane between the babies... they’re growing right on target with their due date but my perinatologist thinks I’ll have them between 35-36 the official word is that I’m having monochorionic (one placenta), diamniotic (two amniotic sacs) Twins!!  It’s still very high risk but not very very high risk as would have been monochorionic, monoamniotic Twins.

Still having a lot of nausea and some vomiting, which sucks.

Jax finally announced her pregnancy yesterday, which is awesome!! So happy for them!

8 and 9 week pics

Less bloated, more baby at 9 weeks...

Our story

Here’s my intro for my twin pregnancy Facebook groups:

Hi! I’m Bex. I’m 37 and pregnant with Boys! We just found out their gender yesterday (well I found out and will be telling my hubby tomorrow in a fun way....)

Anyway... I had two scans done at my hospital at 5 weeks 2 and 6 weeks 2... my first was vaginal and my second was abdominal... these only showed ONE BABY!! When I went for my first prenatal appointment with my OB, she did a tv (transvaginal) and I noticed she was going back and forth between two little flickering heartbeats... being in radiology, I could tell before she even said anything what she saw...

“Are you seeing two of them as well?” I said.

“Yes, I think it’s twins!” She said...

And went to get the sonographer who confirmed that they were identical.  At the time, we didn’t know if they were mono-mono or mono-di... so we went back yesterday and they’re measuring exactly with their due dates AND there's a membrane between them 🙂

We also had to see the practice's fetal-maternal medicine specialist (perinatologist)...

We have to see one every 2 weeks...

He started yesterday’s appointment with: “I have good news and bad news... the good news is that it’s a viable pregnancy... the bad news is that it’s twins.  There’s only one type of twin I fear more than mono-di twin and that’s mono-mono... now I find it best to not sugar coat things for my patients...Identical twins come with great risks to both babies and mothers... “ and then told me how with an identical twin pregnancy, there’s increased risks of: Twin to twin transfusion syndrome (since they share a placenta), higher chance of preeclampsia, higher chance of gestational diabetes, most likely will be a premature labor (says they’ll be born between 34-35 weeks most likely), increased chance of chromosomal abnormalities, higher likelihood of fluid discrepancies, possibility of growth discrepancies, and an increased chance of maternal hypertension.

Now from talking to some friends, I’ve been warned that perinatologist are pretty “doom and gloom” and I’m wondering if anyone else had similar situations or conversations with their doctors.  I’m glad mine doesn’t sugar coat but I definitely left feeling very uneasy.

I’m over 35 (I’m 37), carrying identical twins, I have rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, I carry the anti-E antibody, and I’ve had a hip replacement.  Seems the odds are stacked against me but I guess at the same time, I’m just glad I have a knowledgeable team backing me up, no matter how “doom and gloom” their attitudes are.

I have two girls ages 11 and 15 though these are hubby's and my firsts together.  He and I met when we were 13 on family trips to Mexico and though it's been a roundabout journey to where we got married almost two years ago... Here we are 🙂

Looking forward to getting to know you all 🙂 I've included some pics 🙂

Announcement time!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

The nausea is real!

I spent my entire day off on Tuesday in bed.  My morning started at 5 am with vomiting and continued until around 8am. I ended up taking unisom and B6 and slept the day away..:

Yesterday (Wednesday), I had to go to work 2.5 hours late because I was so nauseous.  This is not what my other two pregnancies were like!  Thanks, twins!!

Monday, October 1, 2018

First OB appt today!!

Today is my first checkup.  I’m so excited to get to share the experience of the ultrasound with Mitch.  Hopefully we can hear the heartbeat today!!!  I’m actually a bit nervous...

I have a bunch of questions...

  • Anti E antibody
  • Travel while pregnant (November and March/April)
  • Flu shot
  • Medication 
  • Meds for sleep
  • Genetic testing
  • Scheduled induction?
  • I’m sure there are more but... that’s what I’ve got off the top of my head

Weeks 4-7 comparison shots

The end is near

9 days left until induction.  Honestly, it can’t come soon enough as I’m so uncomfortable.  I basically don’t have the energy to do much and...